EUCUSA customer surveys

It is possible to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty and at the same time convey appreciation and respect. In strategic customer surveys you additionally highlight different characteristics and benefits for your customers and create additional needs.

Surveys convey appreciation and respect

At EUCUSA we carry out customer surveys exclusively by qualified consultants who listen and respond to customer needs and convey appreciation and respect to our customers. It is equally important to have customer-specific and tailor-made questionnaires. The respondents appreciate well-designed and suitable questionnaires. Hence, the survey process is not perceived as annoying but as a positive intervention.

Reasons for customer surveys

The rhythm of strategic customer surveys can differ depending on their intention: either as a regular survey for all or selected customers or as event-based surveys (i.e. helpdesk calls, big orders, complaints, project implementations).

The “alert path” is a key parameter to trigger customer surveys: e.g. in case of negative customer feedback, an immediate follow-up action will be launched.

Reports helping to come up with the right actions

Our customers greatly value that EUCUSA reports immediately reveal what needs to be done as a consequence of the survey. The EUCUSA Benchmarking database helps to categorize individual results.

A special case - internal customer surveys

Internal customer surveys are conducted to measure satisfaction on the customer’s internal service quality. Hence, the employees of a company are asked to evaluate corporate services in determined areas.

Survey media choices

Paper&Pencil-survey with paper questionnaires
Online survey (with or without notification by phone)
Telephone survey
Focus groups
Map-technique (as personal in-depth interview or via Skype)
The respondent attaches the answers to the map via small magnets or electronically as an action portfolio. This results in a clear, visualized image of customer opinions about suppliers and main competitors. The EUCUSA interviewer questions the most important aspects to get a better understanding of what the interviewee has in mind. Thanks to this interactive dialogue the results provide in-depth knowledge.
Record video messages of key customers
Combination of these instruments