Would you like to hire us as your Premium Partner for feedback systems?

EUCUSA specializes in strategic employee and customer surveys. With over 20 years of experience in both areas we know for sure: customer satisfaction goes along with employee engagement.
More about the EUCUSA-methodologyEUCUSA ensures an effective implementation of employee and customer surveys. This means that our surveys are positively perceived and regarded as respectful interventions by employees and customers.
EUCUSA collects individual opinions and creates a true picture of the organization. Results are presented in insightful reports – easy to read and convincing through clearly structured visuals.
EUCUSA surveys initiate stimulating impulses and changes in attitude on all corporate levels. This way, we start an evolutionary process. Reviewing and discussing results with management raises awareness concerning important topics within the company.
A survey with EUCUSA pays off: in the short term by recognizing quick-wins and by a fast implementation of improvement measures. And in the long term by ensuring corporate quality and sustainable success of the company.
EUCUSA customers with outstanding performance are honoured with the EUCUSA Award. The award criteria are an exceptional overall result in an EUCUSA survey, the implementation of a new benchmark in EUCUSA’s international reference database as well as outstanding performance regarding the implementation of identified measurable actions.